The Quadratus Femoris
An often overlooked culprit
We often find clinically that the quadratus femoris as becoming the 1st dysfunctional muscle of the deep 6 external rotators (1) and its pain referral pattern can mimic the piriformis (2) and piriformis syndrome (3) as well as hamstring insertional tendinitis. It has also been implicated in some cases of . . .
Posted in: acupuncturedry needlingfemorisgluteus mediushamstringhiphip paininsertional tendinitismuscle layersneedlingquadratusquadratus femoristpdntrigger point dry needling instructiontrigger point dry needling seminars
More on that post operative fractured foot
the second article in a series
This is part 2 of a series following a case. If you missed part 1, please go here and read what we found.
The patient returns 1 week later and reports being approximately 25% improved. She has been performing her "toes up" exercises while walking all the time. She is having some difficulty still with balance. . . .
Posted in: acupuncturecuboiddeep needlingdysfunctionextensor digitorum brevisextensor digitorum longusfootfractureintramuscularintramuscular therapyjointmuscle layersnavicularneedlingrehabilitationstimulationtpdntrigger point dry needling instruction
A Serial Case
Lets follow what I did on a recent post fracture foot
In this series, we will follow the progress of a post surgical, post rehab foot. These are the actual case notes and you can follow my thought process as we move along.
JM presented with left-sided content foot pain. On July 24 she broke her left navicular and cuboid (pretty unusual, as these fractures are . . .
Posted in: acupuncturecuboiddry needlingextensor digitorum brevisextensor digitorum longusfacilitationfootfracturenavicularneedlingrehabilitationtpdntrigger point dry needling instruction
Return to the Suboccipitals
The Myodural Bridge Guest writer: Mitch Peritz DC
Once again, we are happy to have Dr Peritz write an excellent follow up to his last article (in case you missed it, click here). The next time you have a patient with an upper cervical problem, refer back to this article and think of all the far reaching implications of this often overlooked group.
The sub-occipital muscles . . .
Posted in: acupuncturecapitisdeep needlinggoninferiorlateralismajorminormusclemusclesneedlingobliquusobliquus capitis inferiorposteriorrectusrectus capitis inferiorsuboccipitalsuboccipital musclessuperiortpdntrigger point dry needling instruction
Those Multifidi....
The multifidi are important proprioceptive sentinels for the low back, as well as the rest of the body, for virtually every activity you do weight bearing, including gait. They are implicated in many instances of low back pain, especially folks with flexion or extension intolerance, since their fiber orientation and thus mechanical advantage . . .
Posted in: backinstabilitylbpliftlowlow back painmultifidusmultifidus lift testneedlingtesttpdntrigger point dry needling instruction
Dry Needling, Trigger Point Dry Needling and Intramuscular Therapy Course: Level 2 The Extremities Vancouver, BC
Featuring Dr. Ivo Waerlop
Course Date: Friday, November 4th to Sunday, November 6th, 2016 (3 Full Days)
This course, sponsored by Dr Ivo Waerlop and F.I.R.E will meet all of the CPTBC College practice standards set out under the self-declaration model for . . .
Posted in: continuingcontinuing educationcoursedry needlingdry needling coursedry needling instructiondry needling seminareducationneedlingseminartpdntrigger point dry needlingtrigger point dry needling coursetrigger point dry needling coursestrigger point dry needling instructiontrigger point dry needling seminartrigger point dry needling seminarstrigger point seminar
The Levator Scapula
levator scapula: from Ivo Waerlop on Vimeo.
From its proximal attachment to the upper 4 cervical transverse processes to its distal attachment to the superior medial border of the scapula, this muscle has multiple actions:
- elevating the scapula
- tipping the glenoid downward
- ipsilateral rotation of the . . .
Posted in: acupuncturecervicalcervical instabilitydry needlingdry needling instructiondry needling seminarintramuscular therapylevatorlevator scapulaneedlingpainrehabscapulashouldershoulder paintpdntriggertrigger point dry needling coursetrigger point dry needling instructiontrigger point seminar
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