Inability to descend the distal first ray = bunion

Posted in: extensor hallucis brevisflexor digitorum brevisfootforefootsupinatustrigger point dry needling instructionvarus
While running intervals on a cool 19 degree morning, something dawned on me. My left knee was hurting from some patellar tracking issues, but only on initial contact and toe off. I generally run with a midfoot strike. I began concentrating on my feet, lifted and spread my toes and voila! my knee pain instantly improved. Very cool, and that is . . .
Posted in: cerebellumconvergencedivergencedry needlingextensorextensor digitorum brevisextensor digitorum longusflexorhip extensorlumbricalsneurologynucleiiperoneus brevispositionproprioceptionproprioceptivetrigger point dry needling instruction
Needle that SCM!
This article goes along well with the last one I published.
We remember that we have 3 systems that keep us upright in the gravitational plane: The visual system, The vestibular system and the proprioceptive system. As we age, we seem to become more dependent upon the visual system to maintain stability of the head (which is . . .
Posted in: acupuncturecervical instabilitycleidoclinical testmastoidscalenescalenesscmsemicircularsensory nerve fiberssternosternocleidomastoidtrigger point dry needling instructionutriclevertigovestibular
Iliocapsularis update
you know about this guy?
I have written before about one of my favorite muscles for dysfunctional hips, the iliocapsularis. See here and here to catch up.
As you are probably (hopefully?) aware it has its proximal attachment at the anterior-inferior iliac spine and the anterior hip capsule (1), though it does not attach to the labrum (2). Its inserts . . .
Posted in: capsularisdry needlingdry needling coursedry needling seminareducationilioiliocapsularisneedlingtpdntrigger point dry needling instruction
The SCM and Gait
We remember that we have 3 systems that keep us upright in the gravitational plane: The visual system, The vestibular system and the proprioceptive system. As we age, we seem to become more dependent upon the visual system to maintain stability of the head (which is largely under the purview of the vestibular system). Older folks seem . . .
Posted in: acupuncturecleidodry needling coursedry needling instructiondry needling seminareducationgaitmastoidneedlingscmsternosternocleidomastoidtpdntrigger point dry needling instructiontrigger point dry needling seminarstrigger point seminar
The 1st MTP
Functional Anatomy, Trigger Points and More...
Good Morning
I just released a new video excerpted from a recent Level 2 TPDN course. It's about one of my favorite articulations, the 1st MTP. One of the most important and most distal joints involved with the gait cycle whose dysfunction leads to a constellation of problems north in the kinetic chain.
Enjoy . . .
Posted in: 1st1st mtpacupuncturegaitgait cyclemetatarsalmetatarsal phalangealphalangealtpdntrigger point dry needling instructiontrigger point dry needling seminar
The all it's glory
Today we are going to look at what I feel is one of the most important muscles to evaluate and treat with low back pain patients, as well as those with gait and lower extremity disorders.
Let's look at some of the functional anatomy of the QL.
It is useful to think of the QL as having three divisions. Though they can’t . . .
Posted in: backdysfunctionfacilitationintramuscularintramuscular therapylbplowlumbarmultifidusmusclesppdquadratusspinetpdntrigger point dry needlingtrigger point dry needling coursestrigger point dry needling instructiontrigger point dry needling seminar
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