Holy twisted tibias Batman!
Holy twisted tibias Batman! What is going here in this R sided knee pain patient?
In this 1st picture note this patient is in a neutral posture. Note how far externally rotated her right foot is compared to the left. Note that when you drop a plumbline down from the tibial tuberosity it does not pass-through or between the . . .
The Adductor Magnus
Not just for adduction anymore....
Ah yes... the adductor magnus. A commonly implicated muscle in hip dysfunction to include CAM lesions, femoroacetabular impingement, anterior femoral glide, as well as "hamstring insertional tendonitis" like symptoms (which would specifically be referring to the long head).
You will recall that the adductor magnus consists of . . .
Posted in: adductorclinical examdry needlingdry needling instructionexternalgaithiphip extensionhip flexormagnusneedlingpainrotationrotatorthightpdntrigger point dry needling coursestrigger point dry needling seminars
The Levator Scapula
levator scapula: from Ivo Waerlop on Vimeo.
From its proximal attachment to the upper 4 cervical transverse processes to its distal attachment to the superior medial border of the scapula, this muscle has multiple actions:
- elevating the scapula
- tipping the glenoid downward
- ipsilateral rotation of the . . .
Posted in: acupuncturecervicalcervical instabilitydry needlingdry needling instructiondry needling seminarintramuscular therapylevatorlevator scapulaneedlingpainrehabscapulashouldershoulder paintpdntriggertrigger point dry needling coursetrigger point dry needling instructiontrigger point seminar
The Suboccipitals and Greater Occipital Nerve
I began this piece a while ago as part of a needling atlas that I was going to co author with one of my mentors, Dr Martha Lucas. The project proved to be more of a task than either of us realized, but some great information came out of it and I am passing some of that along to you here. This is a lengthy post, as the . . .
Posted in: acupuncturecapitisgongreater occipital nerveheadacheheadachesinferiormajorminormusclesneckneedlingobliquuspainposteriorrectussuboccipitalsuboccipital musclessuperiortpdn
Cover image credit: http://wallpapershacker.com/skulls_sketches_skeletons_spine_drawings_hd-wallpaper-1015286/