Toes in for squats?
Sometimes it’s OK for “toes in“ squats...
I often hear from folks and also read on a lot of blogs and articles about whether your toes should be in or out for squats or other types of activities. The real answer is “it depends”.
What it depends on is the patient’s specific anatomy. That means we . . .
Posted in: dry needlingfemorisgaitgait cyclegastrocgastrocnemiusgluteus mediusgluteus minimusiliotibial bandinknee painlateralisoutperoneusperoneus longusquadricepsrectusrectus femorisrehabrehabilitationsquatstoestpdntrigger point dry needlingvastusvastus intermediusvastus medialis
Article Published in November 2016 Chiropractic Economics
This was just published. Here are few screenshots for you to look at.
As you can imagine, I am quite excited for the publicity! Many thanks to Daniel Sosnoski, the editor at Chiropractc Economics for considering my work for publication!
Posted in: acupuncturefemoriskneelateralismeridiansmyofascialneedlingosteoarthritisquadricepsrectusrectus femorisvastusvastus intermediusvastus lateralis
1 point that influences gait
As I am flying home from teaching an extremity dry needling course in Vancouver, BC, I was reminded of many things and just how intertwined dry needling and acupuncture are.
When talking about the lower extremity and gait (as I have been know to do at more that one seminar), I often talk about the “reverse engineering” . . .
Posted in: acupuncturecadencedeep needlingdry needlingfemorisfibergaitlateralismuscle actionneedlingrectusrectus femorisspeedtpdntrigger point dry needling coursetrigger point dry needling seminarvastusvastus intermediusvastus lateralis
Needling and Muscle strength
I realize it's late, but I really wanted to get an article out this week, so here we go...
“The present study shows that a single acupuncture treatment was efficacious for improving isometric quadriceps strength in recreational athletes. These results might have implications not only for athletic performance . . .
Posted in: acupuncturedeep needlingmuscle actionneedlingneurologyquadricepsrectus femorisrehabtpdnvastus intermediusvastus lateralisvastus medialis
The Vasti
Needling the Vastus Lateralis/Rectus Femoris and Vastus Intermedius from Ivo Waerlop on Vimeo.
Do you treat runners? Do you treat folks with knee pain? Patellar tracking issues? Do you treat the quadriceps? Do you realize that the vastus lateralis, in closed chain, is actually an INTERNAL rotator of the thigh (not a typo), and many . . .
Posted in: continuingcontinuing educationcoursedry needlingdry needling coursedry needling instructiondry needling seminareducationfemorisiliotibial banditit bandlateralisneedlingrectusrectus femoristensor fascia latatfltpdntrigger point dry needlingtrigger point dry needling coursetrigger point dry needling coursestrigger point dry needling instructiontrigger point dry needling seminartrigger point dry needling seminarstrigger point seminarvastusvastus intermediusvastus lateralis
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