Are We Rehabbing the wrong system?
I have recently run across some research that has changed the way we look at some of the rehab we do, especially proprioceptive rehab. Perhaps it will do the same for you.
Traditionally, we present increasing balance requirements to the weight bearing structure by changing one or more of the three parameters that keep us upright in the . . .
Posted in: afferentsbiomechanicscirculardiameterdry needlingexercisegaitinstabilityintramuscularintramuscular therapylarge diameter afferentsmusclemusclesneedleneedlingneurologyproprioceptionproprioceptiverehabsacculesemisemicircularsensationsensorystabilizerstimulationsystemtestingtpdnutriclevestibular
The Terrible Trio
beware the gooses foot...
Recalcitrant knee pain just below the medial tibial plateau? Worse with sprints, hills and after running a while? It may be the pes anserine insertion(s).
Made up of the tibial insertions, from anterior to posterior, of the sartorius, gracilis and semitendinosis which lie superficial to the distal tibial insertion of the . . .
Posted in: anserinecoronaldry needlinggracilishamstringinsertional tendinitiskneemusclemuscle layersneedlingpessartoriussemisemitendinosisstabilizersuperficialtendinosisterribletpdntrigger point dry needlingtrio
Are we rehabbing the right system?
I have recently run across some research that has changed the way we look at some of the rehab I do, especially proprioceptive rehab. Perhaps it will do the same for you. We already know that needling can effect balance and proprioception, from some of the articles I have written here, here and here.
Traditionally, we present . . .
Posted in: afferentsbalancecervical instabilitychangesdiameterdry needlingdysfunctioninstabilitylarge diameter afferentslumbarlumbar instabilitymuscleneedlingproprioceptionproprioceptivequadratus lumborumsensationsensoryspinal instabilitysternocleidomastoidsystemtpdnvestibular
Dry Needling and Muscle testing
Do you do manual muscle testing on your patients before needling?
We all evaluate our patients; hopefully on the table as well as observation while weight bearing. Here is some food for thought...
When your patient or client is lying on the table (or wherever you are evaluating them), do you pay attention to where their head is in space (ie the position of their head)? Why should you care?
. . .
Posted in: canalscirculardry needling coursedry needling seminarheadmuscleneedlingpositionsacculesemisemicircularsystemtestingtpdnutriclevestibular
The Adductor Magnus
Not just for adduction anymore....
Ah yes... the adductor magnus. A commonly implicated muscle in hip dysfunction to include CAM lesions, femoroacetabular impingement, anterior femoral glide, as well as "hamstring insertional tendonitis" like symptoms (which would specifically be referring to the long head).
You will recall that the adductor magnus consists of . . .
Posted in: adductorclinical examdry needlingdry needling instructionexternalgaithiphip extensionhip flexormagnusneedlingpainrotationrotatorthightpdntrigger point dry needling coursestrigger point dry needling seminars
Iliocapsularis update
you know about this guy?
I have written before about one of my favorite muscles for dysfunctional hips, the iliocapsularis. See here and here to catch up.
As you are probably (hopefully?) aware it has its proximal attachment at the anterior-inferior iliac spine and the anterior hip capsule (1), though it does not attach to the labrum (2). Its inserts . . .
Posted in: capsularisdry needlingdry needling coursedry needling seminareducationilioiliocapsularisneedlingtpdntrigger point dry needling instruction
Ischemic compression and Dry Needling only takes a minute or 2...
Post needling soreness is a common side effect of dry needling, particularly if multiple twitches are obtained. "Six" twitches seems to be the number of twitches necessary to obtain better clinical results (1). Mitigation of this "post needling soreness" has been explored. One study (2) looked at "spray and stretch" as a way . . .
Posted in: compressioncoursedry needlingischemicneedlingpost treatment sorenesstpdntrigger point dry needling seminar
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