Toes in for squats?
Sometimes it’s OK for “toes in“ squats...
I often hear from folks and also read on a lot of blogs and articles about whether your toes should be in or out for squats or other types of activities. The real answer is “it depends”.
What it depends on is the patient’s specific anatomy. That means we . . .
Posted in: dry needlingfemorisgaitgait cyclegastrocgastrocnemiusgluteus mediusgluteus minimusiliotibial bandinknee painlateralisoutperoneusperoneus longusquadricepsrectusrectus femorisrehabrehabilitationsquatstoestpdntrigger point dry needlingvastusvastus intermediusvastus medialis
Muscle Spindles and Proprioception
And what have I been saying for years now?
Connected to the nervous system by large diameter afferent (sensory) fibers, muscle spindles are classically thought of as sentinels that appraise the nervous system of vital information like length and rate of change of length of muscle fibers, so that information . . .
Reciprocal Inhibition?
Gaining Anterior Length, Through Posterior Strength and vice versa….A Lesson in Reciprocal Inhibition
I found a really cool article, quite by accident. I was leafing through an older copy of one of my favorite journals “Lower Extremity Review” and there it was. An article entitled “Athletes with hip flexor tightness have reduced gluteus maximus activation”. Wow, I thought! Now there is a great . . .
Posted in: afferentsdiameterdorsidorsiflexionextensionfacilitationflexionglutegluteus maximusgluteus mediusgluteus minimushiphip extensionhip flexoriliacusinhibitionlargelarge diameter afferentslatissimus dorsimuscleneedlingpsoasreciprocalreciprocal inhibitionrehabrehabilitation
The Calcaneo Cuboid Locking Mechanism
Needle those Peroneii!
The Calcaneo Cuboid Locking Mechanism
Do you know what this is? You should if you treat folks who walk or run!
It is the mechanism by which the tendon of the peroneus longus travels behind the lateral malleolus of the ankle, travels underfoot, around the cuboid to insert into the lateral aspect of the base of the 1st . . .
Posted in: calcaneocalcaneo cuboidcalcaneocuboidcalcaneuscuboiddeep needlingdry needling instructionfibersgaitgastroclockinglocking mechanismmechanismneedlingnerveperoneusperoneus longusrehabrehabilitationsensorysoleustpdn
More on that post operative fractured foot
the second article in a series
This is part 2 of a series following a case. If you missed part 1, please go here and read what we found.
The patient returns 1 week later and reports being approximately 25% improved. She has been performing her "toes up" exercises while walking all the time. She is having some difficulty still with balance. . . .
Posted in: acupuncturecuboiddeep needlingdysfunctionextensor digitorum brevisextensor digitorum longusfootfractureintramuscularintramuscular therapyjointmuscle layersnavicularneedlingrehabilitationstimulationtpdntrigger point dry needling instruction
A Serial Case
Lets follow what I did on a recent post fracture foot
In this series, we will follow the progress of a post surgical, post rehab foot. These are the actual case notes and you can follow my thought process as we move along.
JM presented with left-sided content foot pain. On July 24 she broke her left navicular and cuboid (pretty unusual, as these fractures are . . .
Posted in: acupuncturecuboiddry needlingextensor digitorum brevisextensor digitorum longusfacilitationfootfracturenavicularneedlingrehabilitationtpdntrigger point dry needling instruction
The Temporalis
Posted in: dry needlingdysfunctionjointrehabilitationtemporomandibulartemporomandibular jointtmjtpdntrigger point dry needling
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