Are We Rehabbing the wrong system?
I have recently run across some research that has changed the way we look at some of the rehab we do, especially proprioceptive rehab. Perhaps it will do the same for you.
Traditionally, we present increasing balance requirements to the weight bearing structure by changing one or more of the three parameters that keep us upright in the . . .
Posted in: afferentsbiomechanicscirculardiameterdry needlingexercisegaitinstabilityintramuscularintramuscular therapylarge diameter afferentsmusclemusclesneedleneedlingneurologyproprioceptionproprioceptiverehabsacculesemisemicircularsensationsensorystabilizerstimulationsystemtestingtpdnutriclevestibular
The Rectus Capitis Posteriors
The rectus capitis muscles are often implicated as causing suboccipital headaches,
but, as you can see, the trigger point referral pattern is over the ear or in a "sunglass" pattern, as we often teach in our dry needling seminars.
That is not to say . . .
Posted in: capitisdysfunctionheadacheheadachesinferiormajorminormusclesneckobliquusobliquus capitis inferiorposteriorrectus capitis inferiorsuboccipitalsuboccipital musclessuperior
The 1st Ray; the NEW Superhero?
Does the 1st ray complex have super powers? Perhaps Marvel should consider a new superhero
“Ray”? We are not sure but here is a story that gets us one step closer to the answer.
While teaching a Level 1 Dry Needling course this past weekend (if you were there, then this will be
a . . .
Posted in: 1st1st mtp1st raydry needlingdry needling instructionmuscle layersmusclesneedlingperoneusperoneus longustibialistibialis posteriortrigger point dry needling coursestrigger point dry needling seminars
The all it's glory
Today we are going to look at what I feel is one of the most important muscles to evaluate and treat with low back pain patients, as well as those with gait and lower extremity disorders.
Let's look at some of the functional anatomy of the QL.
It is useful to think of the QL as having three divisions. Though they can’t . . .
Posted in: backdysfunctionfacilitationintramuscularintramuscular therapylbplowlumbarmultifidusmusclesppdquadratusspinetpdntrigger point dry needlingtrigger point dry needling coursestrigger point dry needling instructiontrigger point dry needling seminar
Return to the Suboccipitals
The Myodural Bridge Guest writer: Mitch Peritz DC
Once again, we are happy to have Dr Peritz write an excellent follow up to his last article (in case you missed it, click here). The next time you have a patient with an upper cervical problem, refer back to this article and think of all the far reaching implications of this often overlooked group.
The sub-occipital muscles . . .
Posted in: acupuncturecapitisdeep needlinggoninferiorlateralismajorminormusclemusclesneedlingobliquusobliquus capitis inferiorposteriorrectusrectus capitis inferiorsuboccipitalsuboccipital musclessuperiortpdntrigger point dry needling instruction
The Suboccipitals and Greater Occipital Nerve
I began this piece a while ago as part of a needling atlas that I was going to co author with one of my mentors, Dr Martha Lucas. The project proved to be more of a task than either of us realized, but some great information came out of it and I am passing some of that along to you here. This is a lengthy post, as the . . .
Posted in: acupuncturecapitisgongreater occipital nerveheadacheheadachesinferiormajorminormusclesneckneedlingobliquuspainposteriorrectussuboccipitalsuboccipital musclessuperiortpdn
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