Gluteus Medius: It's not just for abduction anymore....
You may have been waiting for this...
Functional Perspectives on a game maker in gait...
It would logically follow that the gluteus medius is important for generating both forward progression and support, especially during single-limb stance suggesting that walking dynamics are influenced by non-sagittal muscles, such as the gluteus medius, even though walking is . . .
Posted in: 1st mtpankleankle rockerextensiongaitgait cyclegluteusgluteus maximusgluteus mediusgluteus minimushiphip extensioninhibitionreciprocalreciprocal inhibitionwalking
What do you know about Ia afferents?
If you needle, you should know plenty...
This is a nice study looking at lateral gastroc activity and changing firing patterns with speed of movement. Great if you treat anyone or anything that walks...
Ia afferents
You remember them, large diameter afferent (sensory) fibers coming from muscle spindles and appraising the nervous system of vital . . .
Posted in: afferentsankledeep needlingdysfunctionfiberfibersgaitgastrocgastrocnemiuslargelarge diameter afferentsmuscleneedlingnerveppdsensationsensorysensory nerve fiberssoleustrigger point dry needling seminars
A little more on the tibialis posterior....
A little more on the tibialis posterior (or any tendon for that matter)....
On my way back from Vancouver, BC, I am reminded of the many muscles we needle frequently, and some of our clinical discussions over the weekend.
We tend to think of the etiology of tendinopathies as being overuse or biomecanically stressful situations, which are . . .
Posted in: acupunctureanklecaichangeschroniccountingfootgaitintramuscularintramuscular therapymuscle actionmuscle layersneedlingperoneus longusrehabtpdnvascularvascular changes
3 Points for Ankle Instability..
Not EXACTLY trigger point dry needling, but a form of needling nonetheless
In this study (1) they stimulated 3 points: ST41, BL60 and GB40. Take a look at their locations (above). ST41 (2) is at the base of the long extensor tendons; gee, we never emphasize long extensor function, do we? GB 40 is at the lateral malleolus between the peroneus longus/brevis and peroneus tertius; how important are . . .
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