The Terrible Trio
beware the gooses foot...
Recalcitrant knee pain just below the medial tibial plateau? Worse with sprints, hills and after running a while? It may be the pes anserine insertion(s).
Made up of the tibial insertions, from anterior to posterior, of the sartorius, gracilis and semitendinosis which lie superficial to the distal tibial insertion of the . . .
Posted in: anserinecoronaldry needlinggracilishamstringinsertional tendinitiskneemusclemuscle layersneedlingpessartoriussemisemitendinosisstabilizersuperficialtendinosisterribletpdntrigger point dry needlingtrio
Proprioception and Needling
Get the most out of what you do!
When it comes to needling and exercise, proprioception is King.
What is proprioception? It is body position awareness; ie: knowing what your limbs are doing without having to look at them. We talk about this all the time in our seminars. Some studies use specific points, others general ones, but they boil down to "needling . . .
Posted in: acupuncturedry needling coursedry needling seminarexercisemusclemuscle actionmuscle layersneedlingperoneusperoneus longusproprioceptionproprioceptiverehabtpdn
The 1st Ray; the NEW Superhero?
Does the 1st ray complex have super powers? Perhaps Marvel should consider a new superhero
“Ray”? We are not sure but here is a story that gets us one step closer to the answer.
While teaching a Level 1 Dry Needling course this past weekend (if you were there, then this will be
a . . .
Posted in: 1st1st mtp1st raydry needlingdry needling instructionmuscle layersmusclesneedlingperoneusperoneus longustibialistibialis posteriortrigger point dry needling coursestrigger point dry needling seminars
The Quadratus Femoris
An often overlooked culprit
We often find clinically that the quadratus femoris as becoming the 1st dysfunctional muscle of the deep 6 external rotators (1) and its pain referral pattern can mimic the piriformis (2) and piriformis syndrome (3) as well as hamstring insertional tendinitis. It has also been implicated in some cases of . . .
Posted in: acupuncturedry needlingfemorisgluteus mediushamstringhiphip paininsertional tendinitismuscle layersneedlingquadratusquadratus femoristpdntrigger point dry needling instructiontrigger point dry needling seminars
More on that post operative fractured foot
the second article in a series
This is part 2 of a series following a case. If you missed part 1, please go here and read what we found.
The patient returns 1 week later and reports being approximately 25% improved. She has been performing her "toes up" exercises while walking all the time. She is having some difficulty still with balance. . . .
Posted in: acupuncturecuboiddeep needlingdysfunctionextensor digitorum brevisextensor digitorum longusfootfractureintramuscularintramuscular therapyjointmuscle layersnavicularneedlingrehabilitationstimulationtpdntrigger point dry needling instruction
How's your Iliacus?
Have you thought about the importance of the iliacus? During gait? How about at initial contact and again at pre swing? (1) You realize it will be “turned off” if you have labral pathology, right? (2) Needling can be one way of “turning it back on”.(3)
Check out this brief video of one way to accomplish this. . . .
Posted in: acupuncturedeep needlingdry needlingflexorhiphip flexoriliacuslumbarlumbar instabilitymuscle layersneedlingpsoasspinal instabilitystimulationtpdn
Acupuncture, Dry Needling and Ankle Instability
Acupuncture/Dry Needling and Proprioception. A Winning combination.
What a great combination of therapies for folks with chronic ankle instability, or almost any injury for that matter! Taking 2 modalities that emphasize afferent input from the peripheral mechanoreceptor system, which has such a large influence on the cerebellum as well . . .
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