Beyond Needling Trigger Points
Beyond the Trigger Point
Many of us needle. We are taught to dry needle trigger points and sometimes (especially in the seminars I teach), to needle the segmental innervation of the muscle involved. But should we do more? I think so, and here is one paper on incorporating needling myofascial meridians along with trigger points that . . .
Posted in: acupunctureconvergencedivergencedry needlingmeridianmeridiansmyofascialneedlingneurologyspacial summationsummationtemporaltemporal summationtpdntrigger point dry needlingtrigger point dry needling course
The Glutes, Part 2
Beautiful Glutes: Part 2
We are going to get a little techie here. Hang in there! If you missed part one, click here to go back and read it.
EMG data
There are a paucity of studies on gluteal function during gait, but here is what is out there.
The upper and lower portions of the glute max shows activity at initial . . .
Posted in: acupunctureclinical examdry needlingexamglutegluteus maximusgluteus mediusgluteus minimusmusclemuscle actionmyofascialneedlingtpdn
Article Published in November 2016 Chiropractic Economics
This was just published. Here are few screenshots for you to look at.
As you can imagine, I am quite excited for the publicity! Many thanks to Daniel Sosnoski, the editor at Chiropractc Economics for considering my work for publication!
Posted in: acupuncturefemoriskneelateralismeridiansmyofascialneedlingosteoarthritisquadricepsrectusrectus femorisvastusvastus intermediusvastus lateralis
The importance of anatomical localization: The Scalenes
When needling, whether it be dry kneeling or acupuncture, precision is key (1, 2). It is often said that "if you don't know where your needle is, you probably shouldn't be there". This is very true and in areas like the apex of the lung field, especially prudent.
. . .
Posted in: anteriordry needlingdry needling instructionmiddlemyofascialneedlingposteriorscalaneusscalenescalenestriggertrigger point dry needling
E Stim and Needling
While flying over the snow capped mountains of Montana, on my way home from teaching a level 1 dry needling course in Vancouver, BC , I saw lots of folks siting, neck flexed forward in a kyphotic posture, watching movies on their iphones and ipads, or playing a game. It made me think of posture and correct my own while writing this piece. We . . .
Posted in: acupuncturedeep needlingdry needlingdry needling instructiondry needling seminareducationelectricalelectrical stimulationintramuscularintramuscular therapylarge diameter afferentsmyofascialneedlingrehabilitationspacial summationspinestimulationtemporal summationtherapythoracicthoracic spinetpdntrigger point dry needlingtrigger point seminar
The Extensor Hallucis Brevis
A primary descender of the 1st ray
Look at this beautiful muscle in a foot that has not yet been exposed to hard planar surfaces and shoes that limit or alter motion!
The Extensor Hallicus Brevis, or EHB (beautifully pictured above causing the extension (dorsiflexion) of the my son's proximal big toe) is an important muscle for descending the . . .
Posted in: acupuncturebrevisdeep needlingdry needlingehbextensorextensor hallucis brevisfoothallicishallucismuscle layersmyofascialneedlingperoneusperoneus longusrehabrehabilitationtpdn
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