Dry Needling and Dizziness
Posted in: cerebellumcervicaldizzinessnecknucleiitpdntrigger point dry needling seminarvertigovestibular
The Levator Scapula
levator scapula: from Ivo Waerlop on Vimeo.
From its proximal attachment to the upper 4 cervical transverse processes to its distal attachment to the superior medial border of the scapula, this muscle has multiple actions:
- elevating the scapula
- tipping the glenoid downward
- ipsilateral rotation of the . . .
Posted in: acupuncturecervicalcervical instabilitydry needlingdry needling instructiondry needling seminarintramuscular therapylevatorlevator scapulaneedlingpainrehabscapulashouldershoulder paintpdntriggertrigger point dry needling coursetrigger point dry needling instructiontrigger point seminar
Needling and Instability
As people who needle, we often emphasize needling the paraspinal muscles associated with the segemental innervation of the peripheral muscle you are needling. For example, you may needle the L2-L4 paraspinals (ie: femoral nerve distribution) along with the quads, or perhaps the C2 PPD’s along with the suboccipitals. We do . . .
Posted in: acupuncturecervicalcervical instabilityclinical examdenervationdry needlingexaminstabilitylumbarlumbar instabilityneedlingneurologyppdspacial summationspinalspinal instabilitysummationtemporaltemporal summationtpdntrigger point dry needling
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