What do you know about Ia afferents?
If you needle, you should know plenty...
This is a nice study looking at lateral gastroc activity and changing firing patterns with speed of movement. Great if you treat anyone or anything that walks...
Ia afferents
You remember them, large diameter afferent (sensory) fibers coming from muscle spindles and appraising the nervous system of vital . . .
Posted in: afferentsankledeep needlingdysfunctionfiberfibersgaitgastrocgastrocnemiuslargelarge diameter afferentsmuscleneedlingnerveppdsensationsensorysensory nerve fiberssoleustrigger point dry needling seminars
Rock your clinical exam.
what sensation should you check and why?
What is the most important sensory modality to test and why? Pain? Motor? Sensation?
from Ivo Waerlop on Vimeo.
Posted in: afferentsclinicalclinical examcontinuing educationdiameterdry needlingeducationexamfiberfiberslargelarge diameter afferentsneedlingnerveneurologysensationsensesensorysensory nerve fibersvibrationvibratoryvibratory sense
1 point that influences gait
As I am flying home from teaching an extremity dry needling course in Vancouver, BC, I was reminded of many things and just how intertwined dry needling and acupuncture are.
When talking about the lower extremity and gait (as I have been know to do at more that one seminar), I often talk about the “reverse engineering” . . .
Posted in: acupuncturecadencedeep needlingdry needlingfemorisfibergaitlateralismuscle actionneedlingrectusrectus femorisspeedtpdntrigger point dry needling coursetrigger point dry needling seminarvastusvastus intermediusvastus lateralis
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