Toes in for squats?
Sometimes it’s OK for “toes in“ squats...
I often hear from folks and also read on a lot of blogs and articles about whether your toes should be in or out for squats or other types of activities. The real answer is “it depends”.
What it depends on is the patient’s specific anatomy. That means we . . .
Posted in: dry needlingfemorisgaitgait cyclegastrocgastrocnemiusgluteus mediusgluteus minimusiliotibial bandinknee painlateralisoutperoneusperoneus longusquadricepsrectusrectus femorisrehabrehabilitationsquatstoestpdntrigger point dry needlingvastusvastus intermediusvastus medialis
Reverse Engineering
A Case for “Reverse Engineering”
You have often heard me say in my classes: “think of muscle function from a closed kinetic chain perspective”. In other words, the muscle (in the case of gait) working from the foot (or ground) up. Here is a study exemplifying this with the tibialis anterior and peroneus . . .
Posted in: dysfunctionengineeringfunctiongaitgait cyclemuscleperoneusperoneus brevisperoneus longusreverse
Proprioception and Needling
Get the most out of what you do!
When it comes to needling and exercise, proprioception is King.
What is proprioception? It is body position awareness; ie: knowing what your limbs are doing without having to look at them. We talk about this all the time in our seminars. Some studies use specific points, others general ones, but they boil down to "needling . . .
Posted in: acupuncturedry needling coursedry needling seminarexercisemusclemuscle actionmuscle layersneedlingperoneusperoneus longusproprioceptionproprioceptiverehabtpdn
The Calcaneo Cuboid Locking Mechanism
Needle those Peroneii!
The Calcaneo Cuboid Locking Mechanism
Do you know what this is? You should if you treat folks who walk or run!
It is the mechanism by which the tendon of the peroneus longus travels behind the lateral malleolus of the ankle, travels underfoot, around the cuboid to insert into the lateral aspect of the base of the 1st . . .
Posted in: calcaneocalcaneo cuboidcalcaneocuboidcalcaneuscuboiddeep needlingdry needling instructionfibersgaitgastroclockinglocking mechanismmechanismneedlingnerveperoneusperoneus longusrehabrehabilitationsensorysoleustpdn
The 1st Ray; the NEW Superhero?
Does the 1st ray complex have super powers? Perhaps Marvel should consider a new superhero
“Ray”? We are not sure but here is a story that gets us one step closer to the answer.
While teaching a Level 1 Dry Needling course this past weekend (if you were there, then this will be
a . . .
Posted in: 1st1st mtp1st raydry needlingdry needling instructionmuscle layersmusclesneedlingperoneusperoneus longustibialistibialis posteriortrigger point dry needling coursestrigger point dry needling seminars
Acupuncture, Dry Needling and Ankle Instability
Acupuncture/Dry Needling and Proprioception. A Winning combination.
What a great combination of therapies for folks with chronic ankle instability, or almost any injury for that matter! Taking 2 modalities that emphasize afferent input from the peripheral mechanoreceptor system, which has such a large influence on the cerebellum as well . . .
A little more on the tibialis posterior....
A little more on the tibialis posterior (or any tendon for that matter)....
On my way back from Vancouver, BC, I am reminded of the many muscles we needle frequently, and some of our clinical discussions over the weekend.
We tend to think of the etiology of tendinopathies as being overuse or biomecanically stressful situations, which are . . .
Posted in: acupunctureanklecaichangeschroniccountingfootgaitintramuscularintramuscular therapymuscle actionmuscle layersneedlingperoneus longusrehabtpdnvascularvascular changes
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