Are We Rehabbing the wrong system?
I have recently run across some research that has changed the way we look at some of the rehab we do, especially proprioceptive rehab. Perhaps it will do the same for you.
Traditionally, we present increasing balance requirements to the weight bearing structure by changing one or more of the three parameters that keep us upright in the . . .
Posted in: afferentsbiomechanicscirculardiameterdry needlingexercisegaitinstabilityintramuscularintramuscular therapylarge diameter afferentsmusclemusclesneedleneedlingneurologyproprioceptionproprioceptiverehabsacculesemisemicircularsensationsensorystabilizerstimulationsystemtestingtpdnutriclevestibular
Are we rehabbing the right system?
I have recently run across some research that has changed the way we look at some of the rehab I do, especially proprioceptive rehab. Perhaps it will do the same for you. We already know that needling can effect balance and proprioception, from some of the articles I have written here, here and here.
Traditionally, we present . . .
Posted in: afferentsbalancecervical instabilitychangesdiameterdry needlingdysfunctioninstabilitylarge diameter afferentslumbarlumbar instabilitymuscleneedlingproprioceptionproprioceptivequadratus lumborumsensationsensoryspinal instabilitysternocleidomastoidsystemtpdnvestibular
Reciprocal Inhibition?
Gaining Anterior Length, Through Posterior Strength and vice versa….A Lesson in Reciprocal Inhibition
I found a really cool article, quite by accident. I was leafing through an older copy of one of my favorite journals “Lower Extremity Review” and there it was. An article entitled “Athletes with hip flexor tightness have reduced gluteus maximus activation”. Wow, I thought! Now there is a great . . .
Posted in: afferentsdiameterdorsidorsiflexionextensionfacilitationflexionglutegluteus maximusgluteus mediusgluteus minimushiphip extensionhip flexoriliacusinhibitionlargelarge diameter afferentslatissimus dorsimuscleneedlingpsoasreciprocalreciprocal inhibitionrehabrehabilitation
What do you know about Ia afferents?
If you needle, you should know plenty...
This is a nice study looking at lateral gastroc activity and changing firing patterns with speed of movement. Great if you treat anyone or anything that walks...
Ia afferents
You remember them, large diameter afferent (sensory) fibers coming from muscle spindles and appraising the nervous system of vital . . .
Posted in: afferentsankledeep needlingdysfunctionfiberfibersgaitgastrocgastrocnemiuslargelarge diameter afferentsmuscleneedlingnerveppdsensationsensorysensory nerve fiberssoleustrigger point dry needling seminars
Rock your clinical exam.
what sensation should you check and why?
What is the most important sensory modality to test and why? Pain? Motor? Sensation?
from Ivo Waerlop on Vimeo.
Posted in: afferentsclinicalclinical examcontinuing educationdiameterdry needlingeducationexamfiberfiberslargelarge diameter afferentsneedlingnerveneurologysensationsensesensorysensory nerve fibersvibrationvibratoryvibratory sense
E Stim and Needling
While flying over the snow capped mountains of Montana, on my way home from teaching a level 1 dry needling course in Vancouver, BC , I saw lots of folks siting, neck flexed forward in a kyphotic posture, watching movies on their iphones and ipads, or playing a game. It made me think of posture and correct my own while writing this piece. We . . .
Posted in: acupuncturedeep needlingdry needlingdry needling instructiondry needling seminareducationelectricalelectrical stimulationintramuscularintramuscular therapylarge diameter afferentsmyofascialneedlingrehabilitationspacial summationspinestimulationtemporal summationtherapythoracicthoracic spinetpdntrigger point dry needlingtrigger point seminar
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