The latissimus
The latissimus dorsi is THE functional link between the upper and lower extremity, particularly though its connections with the thoracolumbar fascia (1, 2). Affording itself a large attachment centrally from the T7 to L5 spinouses, laterally to the iliac crest and thoracolumbar fascia, rostrally to the lower 3 or 4 ribs and . . .
Posted in: dry needlinggaitgluteus maximuslatissimus dorsilumbar instabilityneedlingobliqueposteriorposterior oblique slingslingspinal instabilitytpdn
The extensor hallucis brevis : An overlooked "miracle worker"
Look at this beautiful muscle in a foot that has not yet been exposed to hard planar surfaces and shoes that limit or alter motion!
The Extensor Hallicus Brevis, or EHB as we fondly call it (beautifully pictured above causing the extension (dorsiflexion) of the . . .
Posted in: 1st mtp1st rayehbextensor digitorum brevisextensor hallucis brevisfootgaittpdntrigger point dry needling seminar
The 1st MTP
Functional Anatomy, Trigger Points and More...
Good Morning
I just released a new video excerpted from a recent Level 2 TPDN course. It's about one of my favorite articulations, the 1st MTP. One of the most important and most distal joints involved with the gait cycle whose dysfunction leads to a constellation of problems north in the kinetic chain.
Enjoy . . .
Posted in: 1st1st mtpacupuncturegaitgait cyclemetatarsalmetatarsal phalangealphalangealtpdntrigger point dry needling instructiontrigger point dry needling seminar
The Glutes, Part 3
Here is the part you have been waiting for… In case you missed parts one and two, click here and here.
Functional Perspectives
It would logically follow that the gluteus medius is important for generating both forward progression and support, especially during single-limb stance suggesting that walking dynamics are . . .
Posted in: acupunctureclinical examdeep needlingdry needlingexamgaitgluteusgluteus maximusgluteus mediusgluteus minimuslumbarlumbar instabilitymuscle layersneedlingspinal instabilitytpdn
A little more on the tibialis posterior....
A little more on the tibialis posterior (or any tendon for that matter)....
On my way back from Vancouver, BC, I am reminded of the many muscles we needle frequently, and some of our clinical discussions over the weekend.
We tend to think of the etiology of tendinopathies as being overuse or biomecanically stressful situations, which are . . .
Posted in: acupunctureanklecaichangeschroniccountingfootgaitintramuscularintramuscular therapymuscle actionmuscle layersneedlingperoneus longusrehabtpdnvascularvascular changes
1 point that influences gait
As I am flying home from teaching an extremity dry needling course in Vancouver, BC, I was reminded of many things and just how intertwined dry needling and acupuncture are.
When talking about the lower extremity and gait (as I have been know to do at more that one seminar), I often talk about the “reverse engineering” . . .
Posted in: acupuncturecadencedeep needlingdry needlingfemorisfibergaitlateralismuscle actionneedlingrectusrectus femorisspeedtpdntrigger point dry needling coursetrigger point dry needling seminarvastusvastus intermediusvastus lateralis
The Glutes, part 1
Beautiful Glutes! Part 1
Place your hands on your buttocks and stand up from a seated position. Did you feel them fire? Now walk with your hands in your back pockets. Do you feel them active at the end of your stride? No? Maybe you should be in rehab. You should!
The glutes have been the fascination of . . .
Posted in: acupuncturedry needlinggaitglutegluteusgluteus maximusgluteus mediusgluteus minimusinstabilitymusclemuscle actionrehabtpdntrigger point dry needling
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