Functional Integrative Rehabilitation Education

A great Exercise for Obliques

It can be hard to hit those obliques. They are especially important since they are king when it comes to saggital and transverse plane stability. Here is an interesting twist on the side bridge I like to use. Thanks to Jason Shane from Shane Physiotherapy for filming and posting this clip from the recent Vancouver Level 1 course in May.  . . .

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June 07, 2016

Inflammation and Needling

The necessity of both

 It appears injury and repair are both the yin and yang of healing. Injury may be necessary for nerve regeneration to occur, at least in mice. Talk about neural learning! So injuries (from a neurological perspective) may be a good thing!  Perhaps this is why dry needling, intramuscular therapy and acupuncture work so . . .

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June 06, 2016

One way of Needling the Trapezius

Don't forget about or neglect to use dry needling, as it is a great modality and has been shown, in sone studies, to be as effective as deep dry needling (1-3)!

Enjoy this technique video.It will be part f a growing library of clinical technique tips offered by F.I.R.E..  Check back often for new releases or subscribe to my . . .

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June 02, 2016

The Suboccipitals and Greater Occipital Nerve


I began this piece a while ago as part of a needling atlas that I was going to co author with one of my mentors, Dr Martha Lucas. The project proved to be more of a task than either of us realized, but some great information came out of it and I am passing some of that along to you here. This is a lengthy post, as the . . .

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May 30, 2016

Needling and Muscle strength

I realize it's late, but I really wanted to get an article out this week, so here we go... 



“The present study shows that a single acupuncture treatment was efficacious for improving isometric quadriceps strength in recreational athletes. These results might have implications not only for athletic performance . . .

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May 26, 2016

The Vasti

Needling the Vastus Lateralis/Rectus Femoris and Vastus Intermedius from Ivo Waerlop on Vimeo.

Do you treat runners? Do you treat folks with knee pain? Patellar tracking issues? Do you treat the quadriceps? Do you realize that the vastus lateralis, in closed chain, is actually an INTERNAL rotator of the thigh (not a typo), and many . . .

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May 19, 2016

E Stim and Needling

While flying over the snow capped mountains of Montana, on my way home from teaching a level 1 dry needling course in Vancouver, BC , I saw lots of folks siting, neck flexed forward in a kyphotic posture, watching movies on their iphones and ipads, or playing a game. It made me think of posture and correct my own while writing this piece. We . . .

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May 16, 2016


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