The Terrible Trio
beware the gooses foot...
Recalcitrant knee pain just below the medial tibial plateau? Worse with sprints, hills and after running a while? It may be the pes anserine insertion(s).
Made up of the tibial insertions, from anterior to posterior, of the sartorius, gracilis and semitendinosis which lie superficial to the distal tibial insertion of the . . .
Posted in: anserinecoronaldry needlinggracilishamstringinsertional tendinitiskneemusclemuscle layersneedlingpessartoriussemisemitendinosisstabilizersuperficialtendinosisterribletpdntrigger point dry needlingtrio
Things often work better in pairs...
The glutes and your....feet?
You may have heard me talk about how the lower kinetic chain is connected, how ankle rocker effects hip extension and how important hallux (great toe) extension is.
What can we conclude from this study?
- toe spreading exercises are important for reducing navicular drop (and thus mid foot pronation, at least . . .
Posted in: ankle rockerbrevisdorsiflexiondysfunctionextensorextensor digitorum longusextensor hallucis brevisflexorflexor digitorum longusgluteus maximusgluteus mediusgluteus minimushallicishallucishamstringhiphip extensorhip flexoriliacusintrinsicsit bandpsoasrehab
Building a Better Bridge Exercise

The Quadratus Femoris
An often overlooked culprit
We often find clinically that the quadratus femoris as becoming the 1st dysfunctional muscle of the deep 6 external rotators (1) and its pain referral pattern can mimic the piriformis (2) and piriformis syndrome (3) as well as hamstring insertional tendinitis. It has also been implicated in some cases of . . .
Posted in: acupuncturedry needlingfemorisgluteus mediushamstringhiphip paininsertional tendinitismuscle layersneedlingquadratusquadratus femoristpdntrigger point dry needling instructiontrigger point dry needling seminars
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