The Muscle They Named Wrong
The Abductor Hallucis

Inability to descend the distal first ray = bunion

Posted in: extensor hallucis brevisflexor digitorum brevisfootforefootsupinatustrigger point dry needling instructionvarus
Toes in for squats?
Sometimes it’s OK for “toes in“ squats...
I often hear from folks and also read on a lot of blogs and articles about whether your toes should be in or out for squats or other types of activities. The real answer is “it depends”.
What it depends on is the patient’s specific anatomy. That means we . . .
Posted in: dry needlingfemorisgaitgait cyclegastrocgastrocnemiusgluteus mediusgluteus minimusiliotibial bandinknee painlateralisoutperoneusperoneus longusquadricepsrectusrectus femorisrehabrehabilitationsquatstoestpdntrigger point dry needlingvastusvastus intermediusvastus medialis
How good are your eyes? Can you pick up on the subtle gait abnormalities?
As I study this video more and more (yep, we just keep looking at things because we are that nerdy and that paranoid that we missed something) I saw at least 3 very subtle findings.
Watch the video of this right handed physical therapist who had L knee reconstruction (MCL/ACL with . . .
Holy twisted tibias Batman!
Holy twisted tibias Batman! What is going here in this R sided knee pain patient?
In this 1st picture note this patient is in a neutral posture. Note how far externally rotated her right foot is compared to the left. Note that when you drop a plumbline down from the tibial tuberosity it does not pass-through or between the . . .
Muscle Spindles and Proprioception
And what have I been saying for years now?
Connected to the nervous system by large diameter afferent (sensory) fibers, muscle spindles are classically thought of as sentinels that appraise the nervous system of vital information like length and rate of change of length of muscle fibers, so that information . . .
While running intervals on a cool 19 degree morning, something dawned on me. My left knee was hurting from some patellar tracking issues, but only on initial contact and toe off. I generally run with a midfoot strike. I began concentrating on my feet, lifted and spread my toes and voila! my knee pain instantly improved. Very cool, and that is . . .
Posted in: cerebellumconvergencedivergencedry needlingextensorextensor digitorum brevisextensor digitorum longusflexorhip extensorlumbricalsneurologynucleiiperoneus brevispositionproprioceptionproprioceptivetrigger point dry needling instruction
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